Posted on Jun 29, 2017 in
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Ambrosia Fruit Spread Sundae Topping.

I like to make smoothies and milk shakes getting as much of the fresh fruit when is cheap and tasty. I also freeze them in small batches and vacuum seal to use later.
I still make this simple dessert topping my aunt Marie taught me. When the first rhubarb along with the first berries appear and I find it is hands on friendly to make. This fruit cobbler topping and filling recipe is particularly good with raspberries, blackberries, wild Saskatoon berries, strawberries, blueberries and rhubarb, but you can use any fruit combinations.
You will need;
1 pint box strawberries
1 pint box blueberries
1 pint box raspberries
2 rhubarb shafts
1/3 cup sugar
2 oz. sherry
4 oz. butter chilled
In a heated sauce pan place the butter, sugar and the sherry. Stir and mix till smooth.
Now add the fruit you have chosen. Put the pan over the medium heat, and cook gently, until the juices begin to run from the fruit. Taste and adjust to the sweetness by adding some maple syrup or more sherry.
You should have a thick and syrupy reduction. being careful to ladle into separate 250 ml. jam jars with air tight lids. Let sit till room temperature and then keep chilled in the fridge. Vacuum seal and it can be frozen also.
I add these other ingredients banana, peanut butter and mango, or tart raspberry, nectarine and kiwi to a spoon full of some pumpkin chia, sesame and hemp seeds to make a power smoothie.
The a tasty dessert treat I make a vanilla yogurt and ice-cream milkshake and add mango with the fruit topping.
The best is on top of a ice-cream sundae.
Yum in the sun!