The Beef Eaters London Broil

The Beef Eaters London Broil

The Beef Eaters London Broil.
This cut of meat either has to be cooked at at a high temperature quickly char grilling or by stewing for longer times to obtain an edible non chewy fall apart texture like the left image slow cooked in onions, garlic and tomatoes.
It takes some practice, but is an economical way to get some good protein and if you like the taste of British cuisine this would be a great recipe to perfect.
You will need;
1/2 pounds top round, London Broil cut.
1/4 teaspoon lemon pepper
2 cloves garlic,
minced 4 tsp chopped fresh parsley
2 tsp tarragon vinegar
1 tbs  meat tenderizer [MSG Knorr]
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp seasoning salt [Hy’s]
Score top and bottom of meat with a 1 1/2 inch square pattern, and score the side.
Sprinkle meat liberally with unseasoned meat tenderizer, then pierce with fork 1/8 inch apart and at least half-way through the meat on both sides. Sprinkle lightly with water, and rub in tenderizer. Place on a plate, cover, and set aside for an hour.
In a small bowl, mix together oil, lemon juice, seasoned salt, lemon pepper, garlic, parsley, and tarragon vinegar.
Pour marinade over meat, reserving a portion to be used for brushing.
DO NOT mix the reserved marinade with the meat; set aside for later.
Pour remaining marinade over meat, recover dish and refrigerate for three hours, turning every half hour.
Preheat grill for very hot heat.
Lightly oil grate, or broiler pan and position it 2 inches above the coals or from the broiler heat source.
Place meat on grill or broiler pan, and cook for 5 minutes.
Turn meat over, brush with marinade, and cook for another 5 minutes.
Side with some home fry’s or mashed potatoes along with some roasted carrots and peppers.